in its essence

A unique fusion between ancient traditions and modernity, reflected in its vibrant culture, landscapes, gastronomy and incredible beaches.

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Quintana roo image
Trips made
Quintana roo image
Tabasco image
Tabasco image

¡Unforgettable destinations
that you can't miss!

¡Unforgettable destinations
that you can't miss!

Mexico City
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Quintana Roo
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Baja California
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México city image
Ciudad de México
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Quintana Roo image
Quintana Roo
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Yucatán image
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Chiapas image
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Oaxaca image
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Querétaro image
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Jalisco image
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Baja california sur image
Baja California sur
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Successful cases

Multicultural Travels

Our clients come from all over the world, and have special needs that depend on their traveler’s profile. We had the opportunity to work with a group of women from Bahrain, a Middle Eastern country where the culture is very different from Mexico.

We identified the needs and preferences of the travelers, so that their combined trip in Mexico and Cuba could fit with their expectations.

“Thank you for everything, we enjoyed every moment in Mexico and Cuba”

Tourism and Religion

We know that Mexico is a great destination for visitors seeking to increase their knowledge and understanding of the different and diverse religions in the world; so we worked with a client from Malta, that is dedicated to religious tourism.

The group was an important challenge for us, but thanks to our experience, we organized private masses in the most important religious sites in the country, such as the Basilica of Guadalupe or the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City.

“Satisfaits de vos services nous continuerons notre collaboration avec VIAJES DE GALA. Contacts faciles aisés et bonne réactivité. A très bientôt avec de nouveaux clients. Merci à l'équipe de VIAJES DE GALA.”

Royal Visit

In VG we not only do leisure travel, but we have the capacity and experience to carry out the most influential and high level events in Mexico.

The more representative example of this is the official visit of the Princess of Belgium to Mexico in 2019, where we took care of all the logistics: more than 400 people from the government, businessmen, and press of that country visiting various locations in Mexico City and Monterrey, capital of the Nuevo León State. Moving more than 10 buses between State Secretariats, private companies or venues for events and presentations.

It was one of the biggest challenges we successfully achieved.


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